Your Success
Fong Chua
- Personal Coach
- Business Engineer
- Speaker and Best Selling Author
- Real Estate Strategist
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Unlock Limitless Potential

Start-ups and Business
Fong Chua is the coach of choice when it comes to presenting prime opportunities for growth as he always looks out for his clients’ interests. Fong is a master at creating a personal experience while guiding your team on turning dreams into reality.

Real Estate
Fong Chua played an integral part in acquiring and managing of multiple properties and rental units. Coaching clients to their first home, first investment property, and/or assisting seasoned investors with their investments.

Book Authoring
Being an Author of the best-selling “Make More Work less” series, Fong Chua has harnessed and sharpened his skill of writing, with many tips and guides on how to take your writing a step further. Become an author yourself and have your message heard and create credibility for yourself.

Fong Chua has spoken on various stages. From young leaders on the topic of public speaking, to business owners, entrepreneurs and investors with success on their minds. Fong has learned many tricks of the trade in public speaking and with his teachings, can unlock your potential.
No Excuses, No BS
Just pure results driven coaching

Fong Chua is easily one of the highest integrity people I know. Fong and his wife Jessica are an incredible team. They are consistently marching forward to better themselves and the relationships they have with others. An avid and quick learner, great communicator and a wonderful friend, Fong is an asset to all he comes into contact with. When it comes to Real Estate acquisitions and management the win-win requirements of every venture and the “action taker” style that AREA operates with is truly incredible. How they create a WOW experience with partners and the tenants that they bring on board is beyond the next level. If you haven’t had the pleasure to meet and work with Fong yet make sure to get introduced, he’s someone you want to have in your inner circle!
Richard Canfield

Fong, it was an amazing time spent with you. Wow, you are fantastic and I love your ability to make ideas sparkle in my brain. Only 2 minutes talking with you unlock our potential. Imagine what happens after spending an hour. So excited that we will be working together.
Richard Lefevre
The fong way of coaching

Former Governor and Star of Terminator
With over 10 years’ worth of experience, Fong Chua has successfully unlocked the potential of many of his clients. Demonstrating how they can achieve more than they had ever thought possible. He has been able to inspire and bring to reality authors, entrepreneurs and speakers. Coming up with branding, marketing and positioning strategies that increase his client’s businesses and exposure.
As a specialist of many talents, which include working on his client’s networking, relationship building, and public speaking skills, Fong Chua is a winner of many loyalty awards, along with his sense of honour and equality towards partners and agents. These have given him a reliable and compassionate reputation, as the company of choice when it comes to presenting opportunities.

Star of Rocky, Rambo and Expendables
World’s #1 Wealth and Business Coach JT Foxx

Founder and Creator of Marvel

Stanley Cup Champion and NHL Hall of Famer

Star of Apprentice and Trusted Business Advisor

Star of Shark Tank Kevin Harrington

Former FaceBook Marketing Director

Actor Star of Agents of SHIELD and Mulan

Recording Artist and Actor

Performer and Star of Fool Us

TV Personality, Psychologist, and Author

Legendary Voice Actors - Pinky and the Brain

Star of Braveheart

Star of Aquaman and Game Of Thrones

Olympic Champion


NHL Hall of Famer and Stanley Cup Champion

Founder of Second Cup

Star of Patriots Day, TED, Italian Job

NHL Hall of Famer and Stanley Cup Champion

Stars of ARROW

Recording Artist and Entrepreneur

Educator, Speaker and Partner of Oprah

World Renown Comedian


CBC and Rogers Media Sportscaster

Co-Founder of APPLE, Inventor and Visionary

Recording Artist Lead of POISON

Star of Jurassic Park & Thor Ragnarok

Turn Around Specialist and Recording Artist

Stars of Back to the Future
My books Speak Volumes
Here have one on the house
The Guide to Unlocking Your Potential to Live and Work on Your Own Terms
Best Seller
Releasing the Power of Effective Communication
Best Seller
Skillset Diversification, Tame Stress, Assess Risk, Raise Wealth, and Dominate the Unknown
The Step by Step Keys to Finding, Acquiring, and Maintaining Cashflow Investment Properties
The Secrets to Selecting, Building, and Maintaining an Ultimate Power Team
My books Speak Volumes
Here have one on the house

The Guide to Unlocking Your Potential to Live and Work on Your Own Terms

Best seller
The Step by Step Keys to Finding, Acquiring, and Maintaining Cashflow Investment Properties
Best seller
Skillset Diversification, Tame Stress, Assess Risk, Raise Wealth, and Dominate the Unknown

The Step by Step Keys to Finding, Acquiring, and Maintaining Cashflow Investment Properties

The Secrets to Selecting, Building, and Maintaining an Ultimate Power Team
My journey to becoming a personal coach
Fong Chua has grasped his skills and knowledge with his many years immersed in a range of academic studies, leadership institutions, worked with and coached by some of the most successful business entrepreneurs in the world. He realized how much he enjoys being a part and helping others create their success.
Fong’s natural charm and innovative personality help keep him focus on his ideals. This helps him to connect with clients to push their upper limits, thus ensuring that they gain the highest quality of coaching on their road/way to success.
Fong Chua is the best-selling author of the “Make More Work Less” series. They are a practical and personal guide to assisting many in building a great team of professionals and exploring strategies in creating multiple streams of income and positioning for their financial future.